
内閣府首相官邸公式SNS『JAPAN GOV』掲載

令和3年6月14日の世界献血者デーに合わせて、日本のコロナ禍の献血「神社de献血」の活動が【内閣府首相官邸公式SNS『JAPAN GOV』】に掲載されました。


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Today is #WorldBloodDonorDay! While #COVID19 means fewer opportunities to gather at schools and businesses for #blooddonation in Japan, a unique solution is presenting itself: Stations at shrines, where many feel a deep sense of familiarity and comfort. About 50 shrines nationwide have so far participated with stamp cards helping donors track donations; they earn a stamp w/the original seal of each new shrine visited, a fun way to promote #donationawareness.

本日は、 世界献血者デー!(World Blood Donor Day)